Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So, in approaching this week, I think about the foods I like and about what I should be able to get. I love chili, chicken and bread. I love potatoes and cheese. Cereal, toast, eggs - yeah, great for breakfast. So, can I put this together into a menu?

I spend some time thinking and I realize that a bag of beans, with onion, sauce and hamburger, in a crockpot, will make several meals: Chili & bread; chili & cheese on a baked potato; burritos.

And I have always loved good bread and cheese for lunch. Give me chunk of cheese and a hard roll of some kind, maybe a soup as a go-along, and I'm really happy.

Chicken? Oh, yeah.

And so I begin thinking about what things I can buy and the ways I can put them together to create a week's menu. The only question - can I get the stuff I like for the $31.50 (or thereabouts) that is the 7-day SNAP Challenge?

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