Well, it's Thursday afternoon, and I've got some free time, and so I'm going to put down a few things I've been thinking of, concerning this Challenge.
First, I've become more aware of my limited universe of options. While we do most of our food shopping together, Irene handles the food and kitchen department in the house. I'm seeing what it means to have a "pantry" available to you, to make your choices from. Yes, we do have more options in our house than the Challenge left me with; however, as we were discussing my options for the next day or so, she said that I was getting insight into what she faces. What do we have in the house? What can I make with that? We have three meals of chicken, two of hamburger and a pork roast - which will I make tonight, and how do I 'schedule' the others so that we don't end up doing the same two nights in a row? Do I go Italian or Mexican? Will Chuck totally be bummed out by stir-fry? Etc., etc., etc.
Okay. I don't have all of Irene's worries but I do see that my limited pantry does mean that my weekly menu is limited, and I need to do some planning in order to make sure I don't end up with no meat for the last three days and I'm not living off of a diet of tortillas and graham crackers.
Second, I can see the reason why there are so many people who are overweight on SNAP. One of the things you'll hear in complaints about Food Stamps is that so many people on Food Stamps are actually overweight. Looking over what I purchased, look at the starches I bought: two different breads, tortillas, frozen corn, potatoes. Lima beans, a legume/vegetable is also a starch. Starches are basically very cheap, and the easiest to bulk up on in order to not go hungry.
Now, I don't regret those foods, but I'm thinking that maybe I could have done a better job shopping and providing for my pantry.
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