Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An Argument and a Dare

Due to an article in a Methodist magazine that we get at church, I was dared to take the SNAP challenge.

For those of you who don't know SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and is the program that replaced Food Stamps, when the government went to a card, rather than stamps.

According to authorities, SNAP benefits come to around $4.50 per day, per person. This past year, in a publicity campaign, Democratic congressmen, etc., engaged in the SNAP Challenge, which called on them to try to eat for one week on $4.50 per day.

The article in our magazine was about one man who was doing the Challenge to "join in solidarity" with the poor. My initial reaction was, "Are we in the '70's? Solidarity?" But after a major knock-down, drag-out tussle with wife and daughter, I decided that I would give the SNAP Challenge a try.

This blog will be the result, as I tell of what happens.

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