Sunday, September 22, 2013

Random Jots

As the week has gone by, there are a few things that have occurred to me, or maybe needed explaining, but didn't warrant a full post, so I've saved that for this thread. 

First, I realize that the saying "you get what you pay for" can apply to food. One of my purchases this week was Raisin Bran, which I bought in the cheapy aisle at Farm Fresh, for $1.00. However, after getting it home, Irene noted that it wasn't that full a box; it was only 7 oz., and they might have skimped on that. However, it did help me get through the week, and provided a breakfast that I liked on at least 4 mornings, so I won't quibble with that.

Second, I did survive on "donated" condiments. On a couple of days, I mentioned having a cup of bouillon. I didn't buy that, but Irene had a jar of chicken bouillon cubes that she had purchased, but doesn't like using. So, in essence, I went to my "neighbor" and borrowed a couple cubes of bouillon, and other minor condiments.

And last, I don't know if you noticed, but I didnt' purchase anything to drink. Yes, I bought a half-gallon of milk, but that was for the Raisin Bran and any cooking I might do. It wasn't until Thursday, that I started drinking any milk, when I did an inspection of my "pantry", and saw that I still had 2/3 of that jug of milk left, for just half of a week. 

My habits during the week are to drink a large insulated mug of water in the morning, and when I have finished that, to treat myself to a soda in the afternoon. Usually, an off-brand version of Mountain Dew, which I dearly enjoy. And then, sometime in the late afternoon, after I've finished that, I will switch back to water.

For this week, I eliminated the Mountain Dew/soda, and drank just water. I know that that is really pushing it for a lot of people who say that they can't live without their soda, but I was going to come in under that $31.50, and doing without soda was not that big a wrench for me, anyway.

So, there you have it; just some observations about living on the SNAP Challenge.

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