Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An Absolute Must!

White bread is evil. The stuff that America buys, whether it be Wonder, Mary Jane or Sunbeam, is absolutely pitiful. The only time Irene buys that is if she has been asked by our church to make egg salad sandwiches. I wouldn't let her do that, but would rather she used her own bread, but the church wants white bread sandwiches, not diversity.

I'm a bread afficianado. My Mom baked bread, and Irene has baked bread for the past 30 years, and so good bread is important to me. A Flowers Bakery Outlet store is between Food Lion and Farm Fresh, and so I pull in there to see if they might have something I will enjoy this week.

In looking around, I discover that Flowers has a package of eight large Kaiser rolls for $1.49. Score!! So I pull out of Flowers parking lot with basic bread needs met, and $1.53 lighter.

$1.53 lighter? Uh, that leaves me only...... $6.59! * gulp *

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